Look who came to town...

We just opened INK NOUVEAU, an exhibition of prints, paintings and drawings from the infamous graffiti legend, INKIE.

He came up, hung the show, painted a mural in the space, and generally showed us a good time, was a pleasure and honour to work with him.

You can check out all the work, the mural he did in the space and photos from the openeing here.

All the work is for sale, if you are interested please contact the gallery.


INKIE's show opens this Friday, 7-10pm. He's arriving today to start hanging the show and to paint in the gallery, cannae wait.

Check out some of his work here.


Recoat will be closed from the 7th till the 14th of June.
We're off to catch some rays...


Our next exhibition is fast approaching, work from the legendary Bristol Graffer, INKIE. We're really excited top be showing his work, he is making prints, paintings and drawings plus doing a mural in the gallery. His work has been exhibited all over the world and featured in the books, Banky’s Bristol, Children of the Can, and Graffiti World, in Graphotism and Dazed & Confused, plus the 2007 LA graffiti film Bomb It, and British/Brazilian street art documentary, Weapon of Choice.

The show opens on 19th June, 7-10pm. It then runs till the 19th July Tuesday to Sunday.

You can see examples of his work here.

Welcome to the team!

Introducing our new member of staff...

Northern Exposure Flick

Xynthetic mob's recent roadtrip to Recoat is beautifully documented in this wee movie! So stay seated and check it out here

The List Review

Whoop whoop we got an ace review for our Crystal is the New Wolf exhibition in the new List, you can check it out here.
4 stars!


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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Recoat Gallery exhibits graphic art, illustration, graffiti, street art and photography and sells jewellery, clothing, books and magazines. We showcase work from emerging and established Scottish artists and designers aswell as trying to bring inspirational artists and designers to Scotland from elsewhere.

