Koyaanisqatsi with live musical accompaniment by Urban Farm Hand

Our Brother out law, Benofficial, is in the mighty Urban Farm Hand. They are performing the live soundtrack to Godfrey Reggio's film, Koyaanisqatsi thats being shown at the GFT next Monday.
They have all the info on their MySpace page. And more on their Facebook. Deffinately worth the journey out into the wintery weather. See you there!

Edinburgh Urban Outfitters- Kirsty Whiten Solo Show

They are opening a brand new massive Urban Outfitters store in Edinburgh. It launches this Friday from 2pm. They asked us to curate a show for their opening, so we asked one of our favourite artists, Kirsty Whiten to do a solo show of her collection of Giclee prints and a couple of select originals. The photos are a wee peak at us hanging everything today. We've decorated the store (and the changing rooms!) with her gorgeous work.

Hope to see everyone there on Friday....Its at 124 Princes Street, Edinburgh.

Recession Session opened

We opened our Christmas show last Friday, was great, thanks to everyone that made it down. Show now runs till the 23rd December.

Nearly loaded up all our photos onto Flickr and same with the online store, give me till end of tomorrow to have it all up, there is so much work, taking ages!

Secret Wars Glasgow 09

We were invited to go draw at the Scottish Secret Wars selection event last Friday. Ali aka REKOR got selected, delighted! The team is Elph, Conzo, Estum, Vues and Smug, congrats guys.

Cheers to Conzo for the invite and organising the whole thing was alot of fun.

Recoat Tees

Whoop whoop

We're releasing our first ever independent tee this Friday at our opening. Only an edition of 25 and an eye-popping 10 buckeroos. How can you resist?

Annual Christmas Bargain Blowout Exhibition

Yo yo yo!

This Friday we are opening 'Recession Session', a bargain bustin' show with over 30 artists from all over the globe. Each wall is going to be marked with a set price and all artwork will be set at that one low price. The categories will be- £25, £50, £75, and £100.

As ever at Recoat the emphasis is on high quality artwork that is well finished. The show will be exciting, a collection of work from Scottish and international artists of original pieces including sculptures, paintings and drawings, and limited edition prints.

Launch is on 20th November 7-10pm, get there early to avoid disapointment.If you can't make that it runs till the 23rd December open Tuesday to Sunday 12-6pm. From the 21st November you can buy the pieces online here- http://recoat.bigcartel.com/


Eleanor Meredith
Robert Stewart
Rue Five
Iain Sommerville
Soul Relics
Tangent Phillips
David Galletly
Susie Wright
Charles Brown
Jam Factory
Catherine Rozdoba-Hallows
Matt Mignanelli
Kitty Clark
Russell Dempster
Lynne Ritchie
Goodwives and Warriors

It's that time again!

DIG collective opens show at Che Camille

Our pals, furniture design collective, DIG are opening an exhibition of their work tomorrow at Che Camille. Opens Friday 6th Nov 6.30-10pm then runs till Sunday 6th Dec.

You need to get in by the side entrance in Sloan's lane, but Che Camille is at Floor 6 Argyll Chambers, 34 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G2 8bd.

See you there.

Happy Halloween!

Hope you had a good one...
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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Recoat Gallery exhibits graphic art, illustration, graffiti, street art and photography and sells jewellery, clothing, books and magazines. We showcase work from emerging and established Scottish artists and designers aswell as trying to bring inspirational artists and designers to Scotland from elsewhere.