Merry Christmas one and all, we hope you have a great Christmas and Hogmany party fun! We'll see you in the new year for Advanced Mechanics at Pageant on the 15th and at our opening 2010 show on the 22nd!

Having loaded up this image, questioning my judgement, what is he supposed to be?! A reindeer?!

Anyway, happy holidays. We sign off at 6pm tonight. xxx

Character Show

On 22nd Januray we open our first exhibition at Recoat of 2010. The theme is 'modern character design'. Got a group of amazing artists participating. roll on the new year!!

Advanced Mechanics

We close at 6pm on Wednesday, and we then reopen on the 22nd January 2010. But we're opening a new show from duo, Elph and Lyken in Edinburgh at Pageant on the 15th January 2010 as our first show of the new year. The exhibition is a follow up to their Haunted Graffiti show they did with us just a few months ago. Plans are coming together for computer game, music, rocket and of course, lots of new artwork. See you there!

Woohoo, a white Glasgow!

London trip

Visited the big smoke this week, visited friends, ate amazing food, biked the crazy streets, visted the Pop Art show at the Tate, went to see the amazing 'Where the Wild Things Are', caught Sickboy's one night only exhibition, popped into the Colette X Nissan Cube launch on Bricklane and went to stupid amount of bike shops. What alot of fun.

Rudi Zygadlo featured on Radio 1

Whoop whoop, our pal Rudi Zygadlo got featured on Radio 1, its only up for a week so get on it. His set starts about 1 hour 23 mins in. Listen here.

Cookie launches officially!

We've been doing some work with a new Restaurant that has opened on the South Side called Cookie. It does amazing food, they also have a deli with first press olive oil and their own wines cheese and cold meats, and a little homeware design shop perfect for Christmas pressie buying. We have hung an exhibition of Gregor Louden's work from our last show there. Plus they also have a beautiful window drawing from our pal Conzo and he did all their design work so lots of quality illustrations kicking about. They are doing a couple of launch events this weekend, all welcome. 3 till 5.30 on Sat and Sun, Sat is mulled wine, bubbly and nibbles, Sun is mince pies! 72 Nithsdale road, Glasgow, G41 2AN.

Kirsty Whiten in Macula

Kirsty Whiten has just been featured in this cool Mexican zine, check it out-
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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Recoat Gallery exhibits graphic art, illustration, graffiti, street art and photography and sells jewellery, clothing, books and magazines. We showcase work from emerging and established Scottish artists and designers aswell as trying to bring inspirational artists and designers to Scotland from elsewhere.