We will be celebrating our 4th birthday on Friday 12th of August with the opening of our 42nd (I think) show, details to follow... Get it in the diary!

Sunny Govan Radio Feature

The Happy Hour July 2011 by The Happy Hour
The lovely gals at Sunny Govan Radio featured us last week, we're about 11 mins in. Interviewing us tomorrow, wish us luck!

Rudimentary Perfection documentary

Bike Ride and Film Screening

This Sunday we are hosting a bike ride to go visit each of the murals painted during the Rudimentary Perfection Project at Recoat Gallery. We're meeting at 2pm at Recoat Gallery, we'll cycle round, head back to gallery and watch the documentary of the project at 4pm at the gallery. It is a family friendly Sunday afternoon ride, so please bring your friends and spread the word! We'll be using this map.

Breaks of ten | Derm interview

More Rudimentary Perfection love here with an interview from Derm on Breaks of ten. Cheers to Danny for the coverage...

Check it here.


We've just put the finishing touches (although I expect it'll get added to) to the Rudimentary Perfection blog, it's an overview of all last weeks action in the run up to the show from murals to the exhibition to the party times. We're so proud of everything achieved in the project, hope you enjoy checking it all out.

Check out the Rudimentary Perfection blog here.

RP for sale!

Boooooo! Awful quiet at Recoat now all of the guys have left. At least it's given us time to load up the artwork still for sale from the show so you can purchase to your hearts content!

Busy much...


We have created a map for you so you can visit all of the mural sites. My first one so hope it works. Good luck!

Rudimentary Perfection opens tonight

We've had all 10 artists here painting murals all week from the Rudimentary Perfection project. Now the show is going up and it opens tonight. The work is looking amazing and the murals across the city are mind blowing. We'll release the map of where they all are this weekend. The exhibition opens tonight 7-10pm, then runs till the 31st July. See you tonight!
We've got a cool Blog up on Central Station about Matt.W.Moore's working practice, really intersting, check it out.
The Skinny are working with us too on this project, they've done a quality feature, so make sure to grab a mag or you can read some of the feature here.


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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Recoat Gallery exhibits graphic art, illustration, graffiti, street art and photography and sells jewellery, clothing, books and magazines. We showcase work from emerging and established Scottish artists and designers aswell as trying to bring inspirational artists and designers to Scotland from elsewhere.

